

     fork, fork1 - create a new process


     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <unistd.h>

     pid_t fork(void);

     pid_t fork1(void);


     The fork() and fork1() functions create a new  process.  The
     new  process (child process) is an exact copy of the calling
     process (parent process). The  child  process  inherits  the
     following attributes from the parent process:

        o  real user ID, real group ID, effective user ID, effec-
           tive group ID

        o  environment

        o  open file descriptors

        o  close-on-exec flags (see exec(2))

        o  signal handling settings (that is,  SIG_DFL,  SIG_IGN,
           SIG_HOLD, function address)

        o  supplementary group IDs

        o  set-user-ID mode bit

        o  set-group-ID mode bit

        o  profiling on/off status

        o  nice value (see  nice(2))

        o  scheduler class (see priocntl(2))

        o  all attached shared memory segments (see shmop(2))

        o  process group ID -- memory mappings (see mmap(2))

        o  session ID (see exit(2))

        o  current working directory

        o  root directory

        o  file mode creation mask (see umask(2))
        o  resource limits (see  getrlimit(2))

        o  controlling terminal

        o  saved user ID and group ID

        o  task ID and project ID

        o  processor bindings (see processor_bind(2))

        o  processor set bindings (see pset_bind(2))

     Scheduling priority and any per-process  scheduling  parame-
     ters  that  are  specific to a given scheduling class may or
     may not be inherited according to the policy of that partic-
     ular  class  (see  priocntl(2)).   The child process differs
     from the parent process in the following ways:

        o  The child process has a unique process ID  which  does
           not match any active process group ID.

        o  The child process has a different  parent  process  ID
           (that is, the process ID of the parent process).

        o  The child process has its own  copy  of  the  parent's
           file  descriptors  and  directory streams. Each of the
           child's file descriptors shares a common file  pointer
           with the corresponding file descriptor of the parent.

        o  Each shared memory segment remains  attached  and  the
           value of shm_nattach is incremented by 1.

        o  All semadj values are cleared (see semop(2)).

        o  Process locks,  text  locks,  data  locks,  and  other
           memory  locks  are  not  inherited  by  the child (see
           plock(3C) and memcntl(2)).

        o  The  child  process's  tms   structure   is   cleared:
           tms_utime, stime, cutime, and cstime are set to 0 (see

        o  The child processes resource utilizations are  set  to
           0;  see  getrlimit(2).  The  it_value  and it_interval
           values for the ITIMER_REAL timer are reset to  0;  see

        o  The set of signals pending for the  child  process  is
           initialized to the empty set.

        o  Timers created by timer_create(3RT) are not  inherited
           by the child process.

        o  No asynchronous input or  asynchronous  output  opera-
           tions are inherited by the child.

        o  Any preferred hardware address tranlsation sizes  (see
           memcntl(2)) are inherited by the child.

     Record locks set by the parent process are not inherited  by
     the child process (see fcntl(2)).

  Solaris Threads
     In applications that use the Solaris threads API rather than
     the POSIX threads API (applications linked with -lthread but
     not -lpthread),fork() duplicates in the  child  process  all
     threads  (see  thr_create(3THR)) and LWPs in the parent pro-
     cess. The  fork1()  function  duplicates  only  the  calling
     thread (LWP) in the child process.

  POSIX Threads
     In applications that use the POSIX threads API  rather  than
     the   Solaris   threads   API  (  applications  linked  with
     -lpthread, whether or not linked with -lthread), a  call  to
     fork() is like a call to  fork1(), which replicates only the
     calling thread. There is no call that forks a child with all
     threads and LWPs duplicated in the child.

     Note that if a program is  linked  with  both  libraries  (-
     lthread  and  -lpthread),  the POSIX semantic of fork() pre-

  fork() Safety
     If a Solaris threads application calls fork1()  or  a  POSIX
     threads  application  calls  fork(), and the child does more
     than simply call exec(), there is a possibility of  deadlock
     occurring   in   the   child.  The  application  should  use
     pthread_atfork(3C) to ensure safety  with  respect  to  this
     deadlock. Should there be any outstanding mutexes throughout
     the process, the application should call pthread_atfork() to
     wait  for  and acquire those mutexes prior to calling fork()
     or fork1(). See   "MT-Level  of  Libraries"  on  the  attri-
     butes(5) manual page.


     Upon successful completion, fork() and fork1() return  0  to
     the  child  process  and  return the process ID of the child
     process to  the  parent  process.  Otherwise,  (pid_t)-1  is
     returned to the parent process, no child process is created,
     and errno is set to indicate the error.


     The fork() function will fail if:

           The  system-imposed  limit  on  the  total  number  of
           processes  under  execution  by a single user has been
           exceeded; or the total amount of system memory  avail-
           able  is  temporarily  insufficient  to duplicate this

           There is not enough swap space.


     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | MT-Level                    | fork() is Async-Signal-Safe |


     alarm(2),   exec(2),   exit(2),   fcntl(2),    getitimer(2),
     getrlimit(2),   memcntl(2),  mmap(2),  nice(2), priocntl(2),
     ptrace(2), semop(2), shmop(2), times(2), umask(2),  wait(2),
     exit(3C),    plock(3C),    pthread_atfork(3C),   signal(3C),
     system(3C),   thr_create(3THR)   timer_create(3RT),   attri-
     butes(5), standards(5)


     An applications should call _exit() rather than exit(3C)  if
     it  cannot execve(), since exit() will flush and close stan-
     dard I/O channels and thereby corrupt the  parent  process's
     standard I/O data structures. Using exit(3C) will flush buf-
     fered data twice. See exit(2).

     The thread (or LWP) in the child that calls fork1() must not
     depend  on  any  resources held by threads (or LWPs) that no
     longer exist in the child.  In  particular,  locks  held  by
     these threads (or LWPs) will not be released.

     In a multithreaded process,  fork()  or  fork1()  can  cause
     blocking  system  calls to be interrupted and return with an
     EINTR error.

     The fork() and  fork1() functions suspend all threads in the
     process  before  proceeding.   Threads that are executing in
     the kernel and are in  an  uninterruptible  wait  cannot  be
     suspended  immediately  and  therefore  cause a delay before
     fork() and  fork1() can complete.  During this delay,  since
     all other threads will have already been suspended, the pro-
     cess will appear "hung."

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