

     shell_builtins, case, for, foreach,  function,  if,  repeat,
     select,  switch,  until,  while  - shell command interpreter
     built-in commands


     The shell command interpreters  csh(1),  ksh(1),  and  sh(1)
     have  special  built-in  commands.  The  commands case, for,
     foreach, function, if, repeat, select,  switch,  until,  and
     while  are  commands in the syntax recognized by the shells.
     They are described in the Commands  section  of  the  manual
     pages  of  the  respective  shells.  The  remaining commands
     listed in the table below are built into the shells for rea-
     sons  such  as  efficiency  or  data sharing between command
     invocations. They are described on their  respective  manual

               Command                        Shell
     alias                         csh, ksh
     bg                            csh, ksh, sh
     break                         csh, ksh, sh
     case                          csh, ksh, sh
     cd                            csh, ksh, sh
     chdir                         csh, sh
     continue                      csh, ksh, sh
     dirs                          csh
     echo                          csh, ksh, sh
     eval                          csh, ksh, sh
     exec                          csh, ksh, sh
     exit                          csh, ksh, sh
     export                        ksh, sh
     fc                            ksh
     fg                            csh, ksh, sh
     for                           ksh, sh
     foreach                       csh
     function                      ksh
     getopts                       ksh, sh
     glob                          csh
     goto                          csh
     hash                          ksh, sh
     hashstat                      csh
     history                       csh
     if                            csh, ksh, sh
     jobs                          csh, ksh, sh
     kill                          csh, ksh, sh
     let                           ksh
     limit                         csh
     login                         csh, ksh, sh
     logout                        csh, ksh, sh
     nice                          csh
     newgrp                        ksh, sh
     notify                        csh
     onintr                        csh
     popd                          csh
     print                         ksh
     pushd                         csh
     pwd                           ksh, sh
     read                          ksh, sh
     readonly                      ksh, sh
     rehash                        csh
     repeat                        csh
     return                        ksh, sh
     select                        ksh
     set                           csh, ksh, sh
     setenv                        csh
     shift                         csh, ksh, sh
     source                        csh
     stop                          csh, ksh, sh
     suspend                       csh, ksh, sh
     switch                      | csh
     test                        | ksh, sh
     time                        | csh
     times                       | ksh, sh
     trap                        | ksh, sh
     type                        | ksh, sh
     typeset                     | ksh
     ulimit                      | ksh, sh
     umask                       | csh, ksh, sh
     unalias                     | csh, ksh
     unhash                      |  csh
     unlimit                     | csh
     unset                       | csh, ksh, sh
     unsetenv                    | csh
     until                       | ksh, sh
     wait                        | csh, ksh, sh
     whence                      | ksh
     while                       | csh, ksh, sh

  Bourne Shell, sh,  Special Commands
     Input/output redirection is now  permitted  for  these  com-
     mands.  File  descriptor  1  is the default output location.
     When Job Control is enabled, additional Special Commands are
     added to the shell's environment.

     In addition to these built-in  reserved  command  words,  sh
     also uses:

     :     No effect; the command does nothing. A zero exit  code
           is returned.

           Read and execute commands from  filename  and  return.
           The  search path specified by PATH is used to find the
           directory containing filename.

  C shell, csh
     Built-in commands are executed within  the  C  shell.  If  a
     built-in  command  occurs  as  any  component  of a pipeline
     except the last, it is executed in a subshell.  In  addition
     to these built-in reserved command words, csh also uses:

     :     Null command. This command is  interpreted,  but  per-
           forms no action.

  Korn Shell, ksh,  Special Commands
     Input/Output  redirection  is  permitted.  Unless  otherwise
     indicated,  the  output  is written on file descriptor 1 and
     the exit status, when there is no syntax error, is zero.

     Commands that are preceded by one or two *  (asterisks)  are
     treated specially in the following ways:

     1. Variable assignment lists preceding the command remain in
        effect when the command completes.

     2. I/O redirections are  processed  after  variable  assign-

     3. Errors cause a script that contains them to abort.

     4. Words, following a command preceded by ** that are in the
        format  of  a  variable assignment, are expanded with the
        same rules as a  variable  assignment.  This  means  that
        tilde substitution is performed after the = sign and word
        splitting and file name generation are not performed.

     In addition to these built-in reserved  command  words,  ksh
     also uses:

     * : [ arg ... ]
           The command only expands parameters.

     * .file [ arg ... ]
           Read the complete file then execute the commands.  The
           commands  are  executed  in the current shell environ-
           ment.  The search path specified by PATH  is  used  to
           find  the  directory containing file. If any arguments
           arg are given, they become the positional  parameters.
           Otherwise,  the  positional  parameters are unchanged.
           The exit status is the exit status of the last command
           executed. the loop termination test.


     intro(1),  alias(1),  break(1),  cd(1),  chmod(1),   csh(1),
     echo(1),    exec(1),    exit(1),    find(1),   getoptcvt(1),
     getopts(1), glob(1), hash(1), history(1), jobs(1),  kill(1),
     ksh(1),  let(1),  limit(1),  login(1), logout(1), newgrp(1),
     nice(1), nohup(1), print(1), pwd(1),  read(1),  readonly(1),
     set(1),  sh(1),  shift(1),  suspend(1),  test(1B),  time(1),
     times(1), trap(1), typeset(1), umask(1), wait(1),  chdir(2),
     chmod(2),   creat(2),   umask(2),   getopt(3C),  profile(4),

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